Thank You for Choosing Knight Mediations 

Congratulations on taking the first step toward resolving your dispute through mediation! We are delighted that you have chosen our services, and we are committed to guiding you through this process with professionalism, care, and dedication.

What's Next?

1. Confirmation of Your Appointment: Your mediation appointment is an important milestone, and we want to ensure everything goes smoothly. One of our experienced staff members will contact you shortly to confirm the date, time, and location (or virtual platform) of your mediation session. Please keep an eye on your preferred mode of communication (email or phone) for this confirmation.

2.  Preparing for Mediation: Mediation can be a highly effective way to resolve conflicts, but it's essential to prepare for your session. Take some time to gather any relevant documents, information, or key points you'd like to discuss during the mediation. This preparation will help ensure a productive and constructive session.

3. Mediation Guidelines: To help you better understand the mediation process and what to expect, we have prepared some guidelines that you can review before your appointment. These guidelines will provide you with insight into how the mediation will be conducted and the role you play in achieving a resolution.

4. Meet Your Mediator: Our mediators are skilled professionals dedicated to helping parties find common ground and reach mutually beneficial agreements. You will have the opportunity to meet your mediator on the day of your session, where they will explain their role and the mediation process in detail.

5. During the Mediation: The mediation process is designed to be collaborative and respectful. You'll have the opportunity to express your perspective and listen to the other party's viewpoint. Our mediator will facilitate the discussion and assist you in exploring possible solutions.

6. Post-Mediation Support: After your mediation session, we are here to support you with any questions or concerns you may have. If you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We're dedicated to ensuring a successful resolution to your dispute.

We Value Your Trust

We understand that choosing mediation is a significant decision, and we genuinely appreciate your trust in our services. Our goal is to help you find common ground and reach a fair and satisfactory resolution. If you have any immediate questions or require assistance before our staff contacts you, please feel free to reach out to us through the contact information provided on our website.

Thank you once again for choosing us for your mediation needs. We look forward to assisting you in resolving your dispute amicably and effectively.