Frequently Asked Questions
Navigate Disputes with Clarity: Your Comprehensive Guide to Mediation Solutions
General Mediation FAQs

1. What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, helps parties in a dispute reach a mutually agreeable resolution. Mediation is confidential and non-binding, which means that anything said in mediation cannot be used against you in court, and you are not obligated to reach an agreement.

2. What are the benefits of mediation?

Mediation offers many benefits over traditional litigation, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Mediation is often much less expensive than going to court.
  • Time-efficiency: Mediation can often resolve disputes much faster than going to court.
  • Control: Parties have more control over the outcome of their dispute in mediation than they do in court.
  • Preservation of relationships: Mediation can help to preserve relationships between parties, which is especially important in business and family disputes.

3. What types of disputes can be mediated?

Mediation can be used to resolve a wide variety of disputes, including:

  • Civil disputes: This includes disputes arising from contracts, torts, and personal injuries.
  • Property disputes: This includes disputes arising from boundary lines, easements, and property damage.
  • Employment disputes: This includes disputes arising from discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination.
  • Mortgage foreclosure disputes: This includes disputes arising from loan defaults and foreclosures.
  • Insurance disputes: This includes disputes arising from denied claims and coverage disputes.

4. How does mediation work?

The mediation process typically involves the following steps:

1. Mediation intake: The parties meet with the mediator to discuss the dispute and the mediation process.
2. Opening statements: Each party has an opportunity to make an opening statement about their position on the dispute.
3. Joint discussion: The parties discuss the issues in dispute and try to identify common ground.
4. Caucus: The parties meet with the mediator separately to discuss their positions on the dispute and to consider potential settlement options.
5. Settlement negotiation: The parties negotiate a settlement agreement with the help of the mediator.
6. Settlement agreement: If the parties reach an agreement, they sign a settlement agreement, which is a legally binding contract.

5. How do I find a mediator?

There are many ways to find a mediator, including:

  • Asking your attorney: Your attorney may be able to recommend a mediator.
  • Contacting a mediation organization: There are many mediation organizations that can help you find a qualified mediator.
  • Searching online: You can search online for mediators in your area.
  • You should always do your due diligence, and when you are ready for mediation you can book directly through our website. 

6. How much does mediation cost?

The cost of mediation varies depending on the complexity of the dispute and the experience of the mediator. However, mediation is typically much less expensive than going to court.

7. What if I don't reach an agreement in mediation?

If you do not reach an agreement in mediation, you can still go to court. However, mediation can often help to narrow the issues in dispute and make the litigation process more efficient.

Specific Mediation FAQs

Civil Mediation FAQs

1. What are some common civil disputes that can be mediated?

Some common civil disputes that can be mediated include:

1. Property Boundary Disputes: Conflicts regarding property lines, easements, or encroachments between neighboring properties.

2. Contractual Disputes: Breach of contract, disagreements over terms, or non-performance of contractual obligations in business agreements.

3. Employment Disputes: Issues related to wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or disputes over employment contracts.

4. Landlord-Tenant Disputes: Rental agreement conflicts, such as lease terms, rent payments, property damage, or eviction issues.

5. Neighborhood Noise Complaints: Disputes arising from excessive noise levels causing disturbance between neighbors.

6. Consumer Disputes: Problems with goods or services purchased, disputes over warranties, or unsatisfactory services provided by businesses.

7. Debt and Loan Repayment: Disputes regarding unpaid debts, loan agreements, or collection practices.

8. Property Damage Claims: Disputes involving damage to property, such as from accidents, negligence, or disputes over repairs.

9. Personal Injury Claims: Settlements related to accidents, injuries, or negligence causing physical or emotional harm.

10. Partnership Disputes: Conflicts between business partners regarding decision-making, profit sharing, or dissolving the partnership.

11. Construction Disputes: Issues arising from construction projects, such as contract disagreements, delays, or quality of work.

12. Insurance Claims: Disputes with insurance companies over coverage, claims denial, or compensation for damages.

13. Intellectual Property Disputes: Conflicts over trademarks, copyrights, patents, or unauthorized use of intellectual property.

14. Professional Negligence Claims: Disputes related to malpractice or negligence by professionals like doctors, lawyers, or accountants.

15. Community Association Disputes: Conflicts within homeowner associations or community organizations regarding rules, maintenance, or management.

16. Employer-Employee Disputes: Resolving conflicts arising from workplace issues, including wrongful termination, discrimination, or harassment.

17. Non-Payment of Services: Disputes involving non-payment for professional services rendered.

18. Commercial Lease Disputes: Conflicts between landlords and tenants in commercial properties over lease terms, rent, or property use.

19. Real Estate Disputes: Issues concerning sale contracts, property defects, or misrepresentations in real estate transactions.

Property Mediation FAQs

1. What are some common property disputes that can be mediated?

Some common property disputes that can be mediated include:

1. Boundary Disputes: Disagreements over property lines, fences, or encroachments.
2. Noise Complaints: Disputes arising from excessive noise levels between neighboring properties.
3. Nuisance Complaints: Issues like odors, pests, or other disturbances affecting neighboring properties.
4. Shared Property Maintenance: Disagreements over responsibility for maintaining shared spaces or amenities.
5. Tree/Branch Disputes: Conflicts regarding overhanging branches, fallen trees, or tree roots affecting neighboring properties.
6. Easement Disputes: Disagreements related to the use of shared driveways, pathways, or utilities.
7. Parking Issues: Conflicts over parking spaces, unauthorized parking, or blocking access.
8. Common Area Usage: Disputes over the usage or access to common areas like gyms, pools, or recreational spaces in a shared community.
9. Pet-Related Conflicts: Issues concerning pets such as noise, waste, or potential hazards caused by them.
10. Structural Modifications: Disputes arising from renovations, additions, or alterations to shared structures affecting adjacent properties.
11. Water Damage: Disputes regarding water leaks, flooding, or drainage issues affecting neighboring properties.
12. Unpaid Fees/Assessments: Conflicts related to unpaid homeowner association fees or property assessments.
13. Disputes with Landlords/Tenants: Conflicts between landlords and tenants or among co-tenants in rental properties.
14. Maintenance and Repair Responsibilities: Disagreements over who is responsible for repairing certain parts of a property.
15. Access and Right of Way: Conflicts over access rights through one property to reach another.
16. Disputes over Views: Conflicts arising from obstructions or alterations affecting the view from a property.
17. Environmental Issues: Disputes related to environmental concerns such as pollution or hazards affecting neighboring properties.
18. Parking Lot Disputes: Issues arising from assigned parking spaces or unauthorized parking in communal parking lots.
19. Lease Agreement Disputes: Conflicts between landlords and tenants regarding lease terms, rent, or property conditions.
20. Use of Recreational Facilities: Disputes regarding the allocation or scheduling of use for shared recreational facilities like tennis courts, playgrounds, etc.

Mediation can effectively address these disputes by facilitating communication, understanding each party's concerns, and working toward mutually acceptable solutions.

Employment Mediation FAQs

1. What are some common employment disputes that can be mediated?

Some common employment disputes that can be mediated include:

1. Discrimination Claims: Disputes related to discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, disability, or other protected characteristics.
2. Harassment Complaints: Conflicts arising from harassment, whether it's sexual, verbal, or based on other factors in the workplace.
3. Wrongful Termination: Disputes arising from alleged unfair or wrongful termination of employment.
4. Wage and Overtime Disputes: Conflicts over unpaid wages, overtime, bonuses, or other compensation-related issues.
5. Contract Disputes: Disagreements regarding employment contracts, non-compete agreements, or severance packages.
6. Retaliation Claims: Conflicts where an employee alleges retaliation for whistleblowing or reporting violations or unethical behavior.
7. Workplace Safety Issues: Disputes related to unsafe working conditions or inadequate safety measures.
8. Bullying at Work: Conflicts arising from workplace bullying or intimidation by colleagues or superiors.
9. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Disputes: Conflicts regarding the denial or mishandling of leave requests under FMLA.
10. Disputes over Benefits: Conflicts related to health insurance, retirement plans, or other employee benefits.
11. Workplace Accommodation Disputes: Conflicts over reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities.
12. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Disputes: Disagreements regarding the breach of confidentiality agreements or misuse of proprietary information.
13. Workplace Policy Violations: Conflicts arising from violations of company policies or codes of conduct.
14. Performance Reviews and Appraisals: Disputes related to unfair or biased performance evaluations.
15. Workplace Theft or Fraud: Conflicts arising from allegations of theft, fraud, or unethical behavior by employees.
16. Workplace Conflicts and Interpersonal Issues: Disputes involving conflicts between co-workers or superiors affecting the work environment.
17. Workplace Reorganization or Restructuring: Disputes arising from changes in job roles, responsibilities, or restructuring within the organization.
18. Misclassification of Employment Status: Conflicts regarding misclassification of employees as independent contractors.
19. Workplace Training Disputes: Conflicts related to the adequacy or fairness of training provided by the employer.
20. Employee Rights Violations: Disputes related to violations of employee rights, such as privacy infringements or denial of legal protections.

Mediation in employment disputes can help facilitate communication, understand each party's perspective, and work toward a mutually agreeable resolution while avoiding the complexities and expenses of litigation.

Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation FAQs

1. What are the benefits of mortgage foreclosure mediation?

Mortgage foreclosure mediation can help to:

* Keep you in your home
* Avoid the negative financial consequences of foreclosure
* Preserve your credit score

2. How does Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation benefit all parties involved?:

1. Preserves Homeownership: Foreclosure mediation aims to prevent the loss of homes by facilitating discussions between borrowers and lenders. It provides an opportunity to explore alternatives to foreclosure, such as loan modifications, repayment plans, or other arrangements that allow homeowners to keep their homes.

2. Facilitates Communication: Mediation creates a platform for open communication between borrowers and lenders. It allows both parties to discuss their financial situations, explore options, and negotiate terms in a less adversarial and more cooperative environment.

3. Cost-Effective Resolution: Mediation is often more cost-effective than litigation. It helps avoid the expenses associated with court proceedings, attorney fees, and other legal costs that both borrowers and lenders might otherwise incur in a foreclosure process.

4. Faster Resolution: Mediation processes are generally faster than court proceedings. It expedites the resolution of foreclosure-related issues by bringing both parties together to negotiate and potentially reach an agreement more efficiently than the traditional legal route.

5. Maintains Credit Scores: For borrowers, avoiding foreclosure through mediation can help protect their credit scores from the severe negative impact that foreclosure can have. This is crucial for their financial future, allowing them to recover more quickly and potentially access credit in the future.

6. Reduces Burden on Courts: Mediation helps alleviate the burden on the court system by diverting foreclosure cases into a mediation process. This allows courts to focus on other critical matters while providing an alternative resolution method for foreclosure disputes.

7. Encourages Fair and Equitable Solutions: Mediation encourages both parties to consider each other's needs and limitations. It aims to find fair and equitable solutions that take into account the homeowner's ability to pay and the lender's interest in recovering as much of the debt as possible.

8. Promotes Lasting Agreements: Mediated agreements are often more durable and sustainable because they are crafted based on mutual understanding and agreement rather than imposed by a court. This can lead to better compliance with repayment plans or modified loan terms.

9. Supports Community Stability: Foreclosure impacts not only the individuals involved but also the community at large. Mediation that helps to prevent foreclosures contributes to neighborhood stability by reducing the number of vacant homes and maintaining property values.

10. Offers a Supportive Environment: Mediation provides a supportive and neutral environment for both parties, allowing them to express concerns, explore options, and collaborate on finding solutions that work for everyone involved.

In summary, mortgage foreclosure mediation offers a structured and collaborative approach that benefits both borrowers and lenders by aiming to find mutually acceptable solutions, preserving homeownership, and avoiding the negative impacts of foreclosure for all parties involved.

Insurance Mediation FAQs

1. What are some common insurance disputes that can be mediated?

Some common insurance disputes that can be mediated include:

  • Denied claims disputes
  • Coverage disputes
  • Bad faith disputes

2. Why is my insurance company requesting mediation? 

Your insurance company might request mediation for several reasons, primarily to resolve disputes or disagreements that have arisen between you (the insured) and the insurance company. Mediation is often sought as a means to achieve a mutually acceptable resolution without resorting to lengthy and costly court proceedings.

Possible Reasons for Insurance Mediation Request:

Claims Disputes: When there's a disagreement regarding the settlement amount, coverage, or terms of your insurance claim, mediation can help find a resolution that satisfies both parties.

Policy Interpretation: Sometimes, disputes arise due to differing interpretations of policy language or coverage. Mediation can clarify misunderstandings and help reach a common understanding of the policy terms.

Denial of Coverage: If your claim has been denied, mediation offers a forum to discuss the reasons behind the denial and potentially find a middle ground or reconsideration of the decision.

Delays in Claims Processing: Mediation might be requested if there are significant delays in processing your claim. It can facilitate discussions to expedite the claims process and seek a prompt resolution.

Disagreements on Liability: In cases where fault or liability is contested, mediation can assist in reaching an agreement on responsibility, potentially avoiding lengthy legal battles.

Subrogation Issues: Mediation can be requested when there are disputes related to subrogation, where your insurer might seek reimbursement from a third party responsible for your damages.

Contractual Obligations: Sometimes, disputes arise concerning the obligations outlined in the insurance contract. Mediation helps in resolving conflicts related to these contractual terms.

Customer Satisfaction: Insurance companies often aim to maintain positive relationships with their clients. Mediation is a way to address concerns, improve customer satisfaction, and retain policyholders.

3. What are the benefits of Insurance Mediation for you? 

  • Time and Cost Savings: Mediation is generally quicker and less expensive than going to court, saving time and reducing legal fees.
  • Control and Participation: You have an active role in mediation and can participate in crafting potential solutions.
  • Confidentiality: Mediation discussions are typically confidential, allowing for open dialogue without fear of information being used against you in court.

Overall, your insurance company might request mediation to find an amicable resolution to disagreements or disputes, aiming for a mutually beneficial outcome that addresses your concerns while aligning with the insurer's interests.

Family Mediation FAQs

  1. Does your office conduct Family Mediation? 
Yes, we do offer family mediation services. However, it is important to note that our mediation process requires both parties to be represented by an attorney. This ensures that both parties have the legal support and guidance they need to navigate the mediation process and reach a fair and equitable resolution.

To schedule a family mediation with our office, please contact your attorney and have them initiate the scheduling process. Our mediator is a highly experienced and respected professional, having earned the coveted Supreme Court certification, which is a testament to their expertise and commitment to upholding the highest standards in mediation practice.

We are confident that our family mediation services can help you and your partner resolve your differences amicably and efficiently.


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